viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

PS. Search DC in our Domain

This is my fisrt post in english version :-) sorry for the mistakes. :-/. I will be brief.

Isn't normal that one administrator add one new DC to our system without inform us, but is important if someone put one DC new that something inform to us. In  a large company this situation will could be possible.

Prerequisits, you need load this command in PS:  Import-Module ActiveDirectory

To search Domain controles in to Domain:   Get-ADDomainController -Filter *


Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | select name, operatingsystem,HostName,site,IsGlobalCatalog,IsReadOnly,IPv4Address |
Export-Csv DomainControllers.csv

Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | select name, operatingsystem,HostName,site | sort name

A bit information more:

Get-GPOReport -All -Domain Mi_domino.local -Server Mi_ControladordeDominio -ReportType HTML -Path C:\TMP\GPOInforme.html

Check at Windows 2012 R2
by GoN | Published: Septembre, 2016 | Last Updated: 
 July 31, 2017