viernes, 18 de enero de 2019

NAGIOS. Switch port Check errors and discards

My Colleague RM has done a Nagios process very interesant. This alert check in a Cisco Switch if there are some error y all ports .

The Dashboard alerts if there are some errors and discards in any any port Switch at once.

Alert details:

In this case there are 2 interface with problems

The service is configured as follows:

In my system I go to file "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/"

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# nagios: -epn
# - Nagios(r) network traffic monitor plugin
# Copyright (C) 2008 Martijn Lievaart <m <at>>
# Based on, copyright (C) 2004 Gerd Mueller / Netways GmbH
# based on check_traffic from Adrian Wieczorek, <ads (at)>
# 9/10/2012 by MP - Added OID's to check In/Out Discards.
# Added performance data using -f option.
# Send us bug reports, questions and comments about this plugin.
# Latest version of this software:
# Make sure CACHE_DIR exists and is writable by the nagios user.
# You can use multiple instances of this check on the same device
# by changing the CACHE_DIR location and creating another check file.
# I.E:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307

use strict;
use warnings;

# Path to cache files
# To have multiple checks on the same device change this location and save with a new filename.
use constant CACHE_DIR => "/var/cache/nagios/iferrors";

use Net::SNMP;
use Getopt::Long;

use constant VERSION => "0.3";

# SNMP OIDs for Errors
use constant snmpIfInDiscards  => '';
use constant snmpIfInErrors    => '';
use constant snmpIfOutDiscards => '';
use constant snmpIfOutErrors   => '';
use constant snmpIfDescr       => '';

# exit values
use constant STATUS_OK       => 0;
use constant STATUS_WARNING  => 1;
use constant STATUS_CRITICAL => 2;
use constant STATUS_UNKNOWN  => 3;


#$| = 1;
#use Data::Dumper;

# default values;
my $warn_usage = 1;
my $crit_usage = 5;
my $snmp_community  = "public";
my $host_address;
my $iface_descr;
my $opt_h;
my $port=161;
my $snmp_version = 2;
my $o_perf      = undef;   # Output performance data
my $perf_output =    "";
my $perf_outtmp =    " | ";

usage_and_exit() unless
    GetOptions("h|help"           => \$opt_h,
            "C|community=s"    => \$snmp_community,
            "w|warning=s"      => \$warn_usage,
            "c|critical=s"     => \$crit_usage,
            "p|port=i"         => \$port,
            "i|interface=s"    => \$iface_descr,
            "H|hostname=s"     => \$host_address,
            "v|version=s"      => \$snmp_version,
             "f|perfdata"        => \$o_perf   

usage_and_exit() if $opt_h or not $host_address;

# Parse SNMP options and set up session.
my ($session, $error);

if ( $snmp_version =~ /^[12]$/ ) {
    ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname  => $host_address,
                                -community => $snmp_community,
                                -port      => $port,
                                -version   => $snmp_version

    if ( !defined($session) ) {
     print("UNKNOWN: $error");
#elsif ( $snmp_version == /3/ ) {
#    print("UNKNOWN: No support for SNMP v3 yet\n");
else {
    print("UNKNOWN: No support for SNMP v$snmp_version yet\n");

# Get interface descriptions and current error values

my %iface_descr = get_iface_descr();
my %in_discards = get_errors(snmpIfInDiscards);
my %in_errors = get_errors(snmpIfInErrors);
my %out_discards = get_errors(snmpIfOutDiscards);
my %out_errors = get_errors(snmpIfOutErrors);


# Get old error values, if any

my $last_check_time;
my %if_old_data;
my $fname = CACHE_DIR . "/${host_address}";
my $file;
if (open($file, "<", $fname)) {
    my $row = <$file>;
    if ($row) {
     chomp $row;
     $last_check_time = $row;
     while ($row = <$file>) {
         chomp $row;
         my ($descr, $last_in_errors, $last_out_errors, $last_in_discards, $last_out_discards) = split(/\t/, $row);
         $if_old_data{$descr}{last_in_errors} = $last_in_errors;
         $if_old_data{$descr}{last_out_errors} = $last_out_errors;
         $if_old_data{$descr}{last_in_discards} = $last_in_discards;
         $if_old_data{$descr}{last_out_discards} = $last_out_discards;       

# Check for errors and write out new error values

my @error_intfs;
my ($tot_in_errors, $tot_out_errors,$tot_in_discards, $tot_out_discards);
my $exit_status = STATUS_OK;

my $now = time();
open($file,">", $fname) or do {
    print("UNKNOWN: Cannot open $fname for writing: $!\n");

print $file "$now\n";

# The sort makes sure the interfaces are sorted in te cache file
for my $iface_number (sort { $a <=> $b} keys %iface_descr) {

    my $descr = $iface_descr{$iface_number};
    my $in_errors = $in_errors{$iface_number};
    my $out_errors = $out_errors{$iface_number};
    my $in_discards = $in_discards{$iface_number};
    my $out_discards = $out_discards{$iface_number};
    $last_check_time ||= $now-1;
    my $last_in_errors=$in_errors;
    my $last_out_errors=$out_errors;
    my $last_in_discards=$in_discards;
    my $last_out_discards=$out_discards;
    if (exists $if_old_data{$descr}) {
     $last_in_errors = $if_old_data{$descr}{last_in_errors};
     $last_out_errors = $if_old_data{$descr}{last_out_errors};
     $last_in_discards = $if_old_data{$descr}{last_in_discards};
     $last_out_discards = $if_old_data{$descr}{last_out_discards};

    print $file "$descr\t$in_errors\t$out_errors\t$in_discards\t$out_discards\n";

    # counters cleared?
    $last_in_errors = $in_errors if $last_in_errors > $in_errors;
    $last_out_errors = $out_errors if $last_out_errors > $out_errors;
    $last_in_discards = $in_discards if $last_in_discards > $in_discards;
    $last_out_discards = $out_discards if $last_out_discards > $out_discards;
#    No averages. For now we care if there are errors at all!
#    Later we can keep a running average or something like that.
#    In fact, this works quite good in practice, so let's leave it like this.

#    my $delta = ($now-$last_check_time);
#    my $in_avg_errors = sprintf("%.2f",($in_errors-$last_in_errors)/$delta);
#    my $out_avg_errors = sprintf("%.2f",($out_errors-$last_out_errors)/$delta));

    my $new_in_errors = $in_errors - $last_in_errors;
    $tot_in_errors += $new_in_errors;
    my $new_out_errors = $out_errors - $last_out_errors;
    $tot_out_errors += $new_out_errors;
    my $new_in_discards = $in_discards - $last_in_discards;
    $tot_in_discards += $new_in_discards;
    my $new_out_discards = $out_discards - $last_out_discards;
    $tot_out_discards += $new_out_discards;

    if ($new_in_errors > $crit_usage or $new_out_errors > $crit_usage or $new_in_discards > $crit_usage or $new_out_discards > $crit_usage)
     $exit_status = STATUS_CRITICAL;
     push @error_intfs, $iface_number;
    elsif ($new_in_errors > $warn_usage or $new_out_errors > $warn_usage or $new_in_discards > $warn_usage or $new_out_discards > $warn_usage)
     $exit_status = STATUS_WARNING if $exit_status == STATUS_OK;
     push @error_intfs, $iface_number;
# Record performance data

$perf_outtmp.= "inErr=$tot_in_errors, outErr=$tot_out_errors, inDis=$tot_in_discards, outDis=$tot_out_discards";

# Print the results found.
print($STATUS[$exit_status] . ": Total in errors: $tot_in_errors, Total out errors: $tot_out_errors, Total in discards: $tot_in_discards, Total out discards: $tot_out_discards");

# If errors were found, show on which interfaces in a short way
# (f.i. errors on FastEthernet 0/1 and 0/5 will be shown as
# 'FastEthernet0/1, 0/5')
if (@error_intfs) {

    my $intfstr = $iface_descr{shift @error_intfs};
     my $intfstrp = $intfstr;  
     my $last_if = $intfstr;
    for (@error_intfs) {
     my $descr = $iface_descr{$_};
     my $short = $descr;
     # see if there is a common prefix
     my ($p1, $p2) = ($descr   =~ /(.*?)([\d\.:\/]+)$/);
     my ($q1, $q2) = ($last_if =~ /(.*?)([\d\.:\/]+)$/);
     if ($q1 eq $p1) {
         $intfstr .= ", $p2";
         $intfstrp .= "_$p2";
     } else {
         $intfstr .= ", $descr";
         $intfstrp .= "_$descr";
     $last_if = $descr;
    print ", Affected Interfaces: $intfstr";
     $perf_outtmp.= ", Intface=$intfstrp";
if (defined($o_perf)) {
          $perf_output = $perf_outtmp;
          print $perf_output

print "\n";


# Subs start here....

sub usage_and_exit
    print " version " . VERSION . "\n(c) 2008 M. Lievaart\n";
    print "Usage: $0 -H host [ options ]\n\n";
    print "Options:\n";
    print " -H --host STRING or IPADDRESS\n";
    print "   Check interface on the indicated host.\n";
    print " -C --community STRING \n";
    print "   SNMP Community.\n";
    print " -i --interface STRING\n";
    print "   Regexp matching interfaces to examine, f.i. '^FastEthernet' or '^(Eth|Dot.*0\$)'.\n";
    print " -w --warning INTEGER\n";
    print "   number of necessary errors since last check to result in warning status (default: 1)\n";
    print " -c --critical INTEGER\n";
    print "   number of necessary errors since last check to result in critical status (default: 5)\n";
     print " -f, --perfparse\n";
     print "   Perfparse compatible output\n";
    print " -v --version [1 or 2]\n";
    print "   Snmp version to use, use '2' for version 2c. (default: version 2c).\n";

# Read a table through snmp

sub get_table {
    my $oid = shift;
    my $response;
    if ( !defined($response = $session->get_table($oid) ) ) {
     my $answer = $session->error;
     printf "CRITICAL: Could not read table by SNMP: $answer\n";
    return %$response;

# Get a count of errors from table $oid, return a hash indexed by interface number

sub get_errors {
    my $oid = shift;
    my %tmp = get_table($oid);
    my %errors;
    for (keys %tmp) {
     my $ctr = $tmp{$_};
     $errors{$_} = $ctr;
    return %errors;

# Get a map of interfaces: ix -> description

sub get_iface_descr {
    my %tmp = get_table(snmpIfDescr);
    my %iface_descr;
    foreach my $key ( keys %tmp ) {
     if ( not $iface_descr or $tmp{$key} =~ /$iface_descr/ ) {
         $key =~ /.*\.(\d+)$/;
         $iface_descr{$1} = $tmp{$key};

    unless ( keys %iface_descr ) {
     printf "CRITICAL: Could not find any interfaces\n";
    return %iface_descr;

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Linux system permissions:

Check NagiosXI
by GoN | Published: January 18 2019 | Last Updated: