miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

Nagios. Check Http error code

Sometimes we can't monitoring some links because need user/password or other "problem", Nagios mark this links as Yellow or Red like a warning or problem.
If we know the error code, we can filter this error, for exemple the error 401,  we can check the web server or link that it is running although it respond with a error code.

We can add the parameter "-d ErrorCode" like "-d 401" at the chek check_http

by GoN | Published: December 5, 2016 | Last Updated:

NEWS. Security Updates

Microsoft modify the delivering comprehensive security updates to his customers.


                                                                                                  by GoN | Published: December 7, 2016

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016

Nagios. Dashboard Deployment

Dashboard example:

This screenshot explain how to deploy/distributed  one Dashboard with otrhers users (Not share).

If someone do one change at dashbard, and he want to update this dashboard for all users, he have to repeat this procedure.

[X] Deploy ->it has to be marked (Left column)

If you want Keep Synced the Dashboard, you have to marked "Keep Synced" (Right column)

Tested at NagiosXI.

by GoN | Published: December 5, 2016 | Last Updated: December 7, 2016