miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018


I found a increible tool for a quick and deep audit for my AD. This tool not need install, you can execute with a user without admin privileges and is FREE. This tools is PingCastle https://www.pingcastle.com/


Press Enter!

Ping audit found your domain

Press Enter!

In a few minutes, 1 minute in my case

Press Enter!

And finished.

Now you can to visit the folder where is the PingCastle. This folder have reports with the audit result.

In my AD Test you can view this results

REPORT: ad_hc_domainXX.local.html

There are a lot of work to better the security!! Thank you pingCastle :-)

The report inform you how to check the point and how to solve.

REPORT: ad_gc_summary_bu_analysis.html

REPORT: ad_gc_summary_full_node_map.html

Etc ...

With the commad: PingCastle --hc-conso T you will have a consolidatin report 

There are 2 manual with extended explanations

The official Web have very good explanatios and cases.

This tools have a security and audit report very util and very professional.

Check at Windows 2012R2 and W10
by GoN | Published: Mach 14, 2018 | Last Updated: