viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

WINDOWS. GPO with comment.

This post explain how insert a comment in a GPO.

Sometimes is not easy understand that GPO is doing, one comment can help us.

With this post I explain who we can insert a text in the "Comment" parameter.


From: gpmc.msc select one GPO, at this case "Proxy_IE11_Zscaler"


My GPO name to modify is "XXX_Shutdown_computers"

Get-GPO $XXX_Shutdown_computers

Get-GPO $XXX_Shutdown_computers | gm -Membertype property 

We need create a variable "$XXX_Shutdown_computers"

$XXX_Shutdown_computers = Get-GPO XXX_Shutdown_computers

We insert the text : "Apagar ordenadores" in "XXX_Shutdown_computers" GPO

$XXX_Shutdown_computers.description="Apagar ordenadores"

The GUI result:

Others util commands:

Get-GPO -All | where{$_.DisplayName -like '*'} | Select DisplayName, Description

Get-GPO -All | where{$_.DisplayName -like '*MyTest*'}

Get-GPO -Guid 20B11363-AAB3-55BE-A339-9811AA2B513B

by GoN | Published: February 24, 2017 | Last Updated: March 14, 2017