lunes, 31 de julio de 2017

WINDOWS. PS. Check OU computers

Subject: Check compurters OU to check there ara some host. Scheduler one daily task and inform us by email only if there are some host.

When you add new computer to AD by default is assigned to "Computers" OU, this script remember you to move at other OU.

[ ] Get-ADComputer

COMMAND: Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase "CN=COMPUTERS, DC=Mydomain, DC=local" | select-object -expand name

COMMAND: Get-ADComputer -properties * -Filter * -SearchBase "CN=COMPUTERS, 
DC=MyDomain, DC=local" | select name, DNSHOSTNAME,WHENCHANGED,WhenCreated | Format-Table

[ ] PS Script

#Creado 31/7/2017
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$emailbody = $nul
$emailbody = @()

$body= Get-ADComputer -properties * -Filter * -SearchBase "CN=COMPUTERS, DC=MyDomain, DC=local" | select name, DNSHOSTNAME,WHENCHANGED,WhenCreated | Format-Table | Out-String 


If (!$body) {

$PSEmailServer = ""
Send-MailMessage -From "" -To ";" -Subject "PCs sin asignar en OU\COMPUTERS" -Body $body 

[ ] Schedule daily report

Check at Windows 2012 R2
by GoN | Published: July 31, 2017 | Last Updated: September 28, 2017