viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016

Nagios. WMI Check Service Examples

Here is my WMI service list check for Windows host.

If there isn't the user & password in the checks is because the service take this information from host variables.

Also you can read this information from one file, insert it to the command or in the same service by arguments.

Check Windows WMI


[*] Application Log Warnings. checkeventlog.

[*] Check CPU. checkcpu.

[*] Check DHCP. checkdhcp

[*] Check Drive C. checkdrivesize.

[*] Check Drive BIG C less 5GB. checkdrivesize.

[*] Check IO - logical drive C:. checkio.

-s logical -a c: -w CurrentDiskQueueLength=10

[*] Check LAN Intel. checknetwork.

[*] Check LAN vmxnet3. checknetwork.

[*] Check Pager. checkpage.

[*] Check RAM. checkmem.

[*] Check Service Autostart. checkservice.

[*] Check Service DNS. checkservice.

[*] Check Service Spooler. checkservice.

[*] Check Terminal Server Sessions. checkts.

[*] Check Time vs Domain. checktime.

[*] System Log Critical Errors. checkevetlog.

[*] One process. checkprocess.

-a 'mane_some_process.exe' -c _ItemCount=1:


Configured in NagiosXI

by GoN | Published: November 30, 2016 | Last Updated: December 05

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