martes, 25 de julio de 2017

WINDOWS. GPO. Deploy Fonts

Sometime ago was very easy install font at Operating System, you had to copy the font file in c:\windows\fonts, it was very simply. Now there are few changes.

This post explain how to create a new GPO to deploy font at hosts.

[ ] Rename files to cut her name size (max 8 characters)

I copy/rename the "SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf" at "SSPR.ttf"

[ ] Create a public folder for distribte the new file fonts.

Users need to be able to read this folder.

[ ] GPMC.msc. Now we create a new GPO

Assign GPO to compueter OU.

[ ] Configure parameters:

In "Value Date" the file font name (ex: file.ttf)
In Key Path: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts"
In Value Name -> The font name to view at program (EX:"SourceSansPro-Regular" to view at Word program)

[ ] Apply GPOs: "GPupdate /force" or/and Restart the computer "GPupdate /force /sync"

[ ] To check in a destinantion host




Check at Windows 2012 R2
by GoN | Published: July 26, 2017 | Last Updated: July 27, 2017

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